Recently, new technologies have been appearing in the market constantly and it’s hard to keep up with all the innovations. Some of them work and some of them turn out to be a waste of money. In this sea of new products, it’s hard to know which one is which. So here are some answers to common questions on head up car displays!
What is a Heads Up Display (HUD)?
Over a billion people worldwide own and drive cars. We spend weeks inside our vehicles every year, yet, most of us are unaware of the new products in the industry.
Head Up Display gadgets gained popularity at first in 2014. The biggest automobile companies began offering these systems to their clients pre-installed in the car. With this feature, the cost of the automobile increased by at least 900 USD.
These devices project information in front of the driver in order to decrease their distractions, keep the driver’s eyes on the road at all times and simply for convenience. Heads Up Displays are often referred to as HUD.
Fortunately, after 2014, a number of companies came out with Head Up Displays making them significantly cheaper and, hence, more accessible and mainstream. Eventually, HUD car devices became a major part of many drivers’ life. It is very easy to set up a Heads Up Display and it is often connected to the driver’s smartphone.
What Are The Advantage of Using a HUD?
Of course, there are numerous things to talk about, however, there are two main benefits; security and comfort.
The main way that these devices are marketed is that they increase safety for drivers and passengers. As the HUD device is often right in front of the driver’s eyes, he/she can see all the important information from the screen. Because of this, distraction becomes a lesser problem for users. On the other hand, these gadgets also decrease reaction time, helping to avoid accidents.
We all get an occasional emergency call, listen to music and use GPS while we are driving. However, most of the time we use our phones for this, which can be quite inconvenient while driving a vehicle.
By connecting a car HUD display to the phone, we eliminate the need to constantly reach for it. Instead, all the needed information is right in front of us.
How Much Does a Head Up Display Cost?
Of course, prices differ depending on the manufacturing company, quality, and many other things. Some very basic and not very high-quality ones can cost under 50 USD. Decent and great quality ones can be found in the price range of 100-500 USD. However, if you’re planning to buy a car with the technology pre-installed, it will cost you 1,000 USD and more.
All in all, Head Up Car Display devices are great useful tools to have. They come in handy a lot of times, especially if you spend a lot of time on the road, enjoy road trips, get distracted easily or just want to make daily driving a more enjoyable experience for you.