Changeover day can be very stressful and confusing, and even the days before it are already tense. After all, there is so much to organize, or disorganize, and so much to do, that it is almost impossible to be calm.
The uncertainty of when to get to the new house?
Days of confusion, disorder and things we don’t know where it is. And that causes even more apprehension, after all, the routine does not stop and we need to adapt to it.
But you can minimize this stress if you organize your move in a more practical way when you arrive at your new home. Here are just a few tips to help you make an “organized mess” to make it easy to find what you need. With the Cash For Trucks you can get the best removal process now.
Tips for change
Have an action plan
Changeover day is a never-ending rush, and you can get stressed about the comings and goings of people and things along the way. That is why it is necessary to draw up an action plan for this moment. Plan how the change will be made, who will follow with whom, how meals will be, how their belongings will be packed, and so on. This plan will help you keep a schedule without getting lost or forgetting anything.
Put a list in each box
To find out what is inside each box, as soon as you pack the items, ask someone to write down what is inside, or do it yourself. Then paste this list outside the box in a visible place. So you don’t have to open them all to find what you’re looking for.
Mark the boxes with colors
You can also identify each box with colors according to what is inside. Thus, boxes with room items can be marked blue, kitchen red, green room, and so on. When you get to the new house, you can assign each box to the right room and minimize the mess on the way. With the Cash For Trucks Perth services you can have the best deal now.
Pay attention to the most delicate and fragile items
Avoid unpleasant surprises with items that are delicate and fragile. They need a lot of attention when packing and transporting. In addition to careful impact protection, using bubble wrap or Styrofoam, also identifies the box with fragile warning, so that the chargers are alert.
Put heavy items in smaller boxes
Avoid placing heavy items and large boxes, as they will become too heavy and difficult to handle. Prefer to pack these items in smaller boxes so the weight is reduced and it is also easier to carry.
Seal all the boxes
No matter what is in their boxes, whether they are of lesser value or more expensive: seal them all. In addition to maintaining your privacy, you prevent anyone from tampering with the box by removing items, or by putting things from one place to another. This will also make the box firmer and easier to transport, preventing belongings from falling or being damaged.