Truck water pumps are an important part of truck cooling systems. Its biggest function is to transfer coolant, let the coolant enter the corresponding water channel of the engine, and realize the exchange of coolant in the circulating activity. Through the circulating flow, a large amount of heat energy generated during the operation of the truck engine is absorbed, thereby reducing the temperature of the entire operating system of the truck engine and realizing the normal operation of the engine. So if the truck water pump stops working, it will directly affect the work of the engine.
In order to make the water pump work better, you should know some symptoms of a bad water pump.
- Coolant leaking
When the water pump goes bad, coolant can leak from the axle seals or any gaskets. The water pump uses gaskets to ensure that the coolant is sealed and the water flow is uninterrupted. However, these gaskets can deteriorate and become completely useless over time, causing coolant to leak out from under the pump. At the same time, the coolant radiator (water tank) in the water pump is damaged, the warm bellows are damaged, the cooling water pipe interface is aging, or the water pipe clamp is damaged or loose all may cause coolant leakage.
So when you park your truck in the parking lot and later find a puddle of water or coolant under the front end of the truck, then you need to check whether the water pump is faulty and find a professional repair shop in time to repair it.
- Noise
Abnormal noise occurs when the truck water pump shows signs of starting to break.The cause of the noise is most likely damage to the internal bearing or loose impeller or separation from the shaft. For more accurate identification, when the engine is running, rest the stethoscope against the pump housing and change the engine speed simultaneously. If the pump bearings are worn or lack oil, you can hear the abnormal sound of “sa, sa, sa”. If the bearings in the pump housing are loose, there will be a slight impact. Check the pump shaft by pushing the fan blades by hand, if you can feel excessive axial and radial clearance, the bearing is too worn or loose.
Even if your water pump is working properly, perform regular checks on the belt of the engine. If the belt makes a strange noise, which can cause catastrophic damage to the engine if they slip, break, or break. Changing your seat belt according to your vehicle’s maintenance schedule will prevent you from finding yourself stuck on the side of the road.
- Overheating
The coolant has two circulation paths within the engine, one is a large circulation and the other is a small circulation. When the engine is just started, the coolant undergoes a small circulation, at which time the coolant does not pass through the cooling tank, which is conducive to the rapid heating of the engine. After the engine reaches normal operating temperature, the coolant will undergo a large circulation, at which time the coolant will be dissipated through the cooling water tank, which can keep the engine in a reasonable operating temperature range. The normal water temperature of the engine should be between 80 °C ~ 90 °C, if the water temperature is often higher than 95 °C, the fault should be checked.
There are many reasons for high water temperatures, one of which is a faulty pump. If the water pump is not working properly, the coolant cannot flow into the engine for heat exchange, and the engine heat cannot be discharged, which will make the engine temperature rise. The engine temperature is too high will reduce the oil lubrication ability, resulting in increased wear of the parts. And the higher temperature will lead to serious failures such as engine cylinder pulling or burning tiles, and eventually lead to engine scrap.
For this phenomenon, it is only necessary to replace the new circulating water pump in time.
- Rust or deposit build-up
When there is a leak in the water pump, the pump itself will gradually accumulate sticky or rust. This can be caused by the use of incompatible coolants or defective pressure caps that allow air to enter the system. Either way, the water pump is less efficient at delivering coolant through the engine, eventually leading to complete failure.
It is a good habit to lift the hood and check the engine. When problems arise, you will be able to recognize them instead of waiting for the dreaded “check engine” light to come on. If you see rust, dented areas, or build-up around the pump, it’s time to drive the truck to replace the pump.
- Steam
During truck driving, if steam appears in the engine compartment, the truck should be immediately parked in a safe place and turned off. Never open the engine cover when steam is coming out, and check the engine after the coolant has cooled.
If the water temperature still cannot return to the normal position after the above operations, then there is a problem with the water pump, you need to check whether the belt and pulley of the pump are damaged and slippery and if there is any need to repair immediately; Check the coolant level, and if you find that the coolant level is below the “low level” line, first check for leaks, and if there is no leakage, add coolant to the reservoir and radiator.
While not as obviously necessary as an engine or brakes, a truck’s water pump plays a vital role in safety on the road. A truck’s engine is full of parts subjected to incredible heat and friction while running. The water pump keeps the coolant consistently through the engine block, hoses, valves, and radiator, ensuring everything stays safe temperature.
If the water pump is not properly maintained, the engine will overheat in the summer or freeze in the winter. Components such as gaskets, cylinder heads, and pistons can be damaged. To avoid such large-scale and expensive repairs, maintain the water pump as carefully as you maintain the truck’s oil.